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California Senate Passes SB 551 with Bipartisan Support to Establish Electric Vehicle Authority

The Transportation Electrification Partnership & LACI-Sponsored Proposal Would Accelerate Equitable Adoption of EVs Statewide

LOS ANGELES, CA – On Friday, the California State Senate approved SB 551, a bill that would create the California Electric Vehicle Authority to ensure California meets Governor Gavin Newsom’s executive order to transition to 100 percent zero-emissions cars sold and 100 percent of zero-emissions drayage trucks on the road by 2035.

The Transportation Electrification Partnership (TEP) members and the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) are leading a statewide coalition that includes more than 70 cities, environmental justice, public health, and other advocacy organizations as well as EV manufacturing, charging and utility companies to support the creation of a high-level EV Authority to be housed in the Governor’s office. The EV Authority would bring coordination, accountability, financing, and a focus on ensuring equitable outcomes in accelerating California’s transition to zero-emission transportation. The Authority would also include a focus on related economic development and workforce training priorities.

LACI CEO and LACI Transportation Electrification Partnership Chair Matt Petersen released the following statement in response to SB 551’s passage in the Senate:

“To help accelerate the economy-wide transition to zero-emission transportation and ensure that no communities are left behind, TEP members, LACI, and our over 70 member coalition have advocated for the creation of the California EV Authority to meet the goals of EO N-79-20. Led by a senior czar in the Governor’s horseshoe–and who is accountable to the Governor, Legislature and in turn the public–the Authority can ensure the Governor’s bold proposal to invest billions of dollars into zero-emission transportation are efficiently and expeditiously spent while ensuring maximum benefit to disadvantaged communities, that our state’s workforce are prepared, and we leverage private sector investment for continued economic growth.

“Transitioning to 100 percent zero-emission cars, buses and trucks is a transformative and achievable goal that will require a whole-of-government approach to make it happen. The urgency of the climate crisis and the disproportionate burden of air pollution upon disadvantaged communities forced to breathe unhealthy air means we need an all-hands-on-deck plan to move to zero emissions. The EV Authority can ensure that California’s government agencies and leaders make that promise a reality.

“I’d like to thank Senator Henry Stern along with Senators Hertzberg, Min and Rubio and the entire California State Senate for their leadership in supporting the creation of the EV Authority. We are eager to continue the important discussion on how California can lead the zero-emissions transportation future as SB 551 moves to the State Assembly.”