National Cleantech Incubator Coalition Appoints Rick Stockburger as Co-Chair, Joining LACI’s Matt Petersen Amid Urgent Need for Innovative Energy Solutions

Coalition Serves as a Catalyst for Federal Policies that Support Technological Innovation, Create High-quality, Career-track Jobs, and Bolster American Competitiveness

Los Angeles, February 28, 2025 – The Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) is pleased to announce Rick Stockburger, CEO of BRITE Energy Innovators, has been appointed as Co-Chair of NCCEI, the nation’s leading incubator coalition. Stockburger joins LACI President and CEO Matt Petersen as Co-Chair of the coalition. 

“Given his work with advanced energy entrepreneurs in the heart of America, Rick’s insights have proven invaluable to our groundbreaking coalition for many years–I am delighted to welcome him as Co-Chair of the coalition,” said Matt Petersen, NCCEI Co-Chair and CEO of LACI. “Together we will fight for the vital resources needed to empower entrepreneurs, and to scale the energy technologies that unlock economic growth and fuel job creation.”

“It is unbelievably important for the US to Americanize manufacturing in the Midwest and across the country,” said Rick Stockburger, NCCEI Co-Chair and CEO of BRITE Energy Innovators. “I believe advanced energy technology investments are the key to unlocking grid resilience, reducing costs for consumers, and enhancing national security by re-establishing American energy dominance. I’m excited to bring that perspective to the leadership of this national coalition.”

Formed and since supported by LACI in 2020, NCCEI brings together the 34 most powerful and effective energy technology incubators in the U.S. to promote robust growth of regional energy innovation ecosystems by providing support for advanced energy-related startups and entrepreneurs. The coalition also serves as a key advocate for energy incubators, promoting collaboration, policy engagement, and resource-sharing to drive the growth of the advanced energy sector. As Co-Chair, Stockburger will play a pivotal role in representing the interests of energy startups, particularly those in the Midwest.

This announcement comes as the NCCEI prepares for its Fifth Annual Advanced Energy Innovation Advocacy Day in Washington DC from March 3-5, 2025. During this in-person event, representatives from the nation’s leading energy incubators will share their successes with federal policymakers. Incubators and accelerator staff and the entrepreneurs they support will meet with federal policymakers to advocate for a budget and policy agenda that promotes American innovation.


The Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) is unlocking innovation by scaling cleantech startups, transforming markets through catalytic partnerships with policymakers, innovators, and market leaders, and enhancing communities through workforce training, pilots and other programs. Founded as an economic development initiative by the City of Los Angeles and its Department of Water & Power (LADWP) in 2011, LACI is recognized as one of the top 10 innovative business incubators in the world by UBI. LACI has helped 422 portfolio companies raise over $1 billion in funding, generated $344 million in revenue, and created 2,626 jobs throughout the Los Angeles region, with a long term economic impact of more than $587 million.

The NCCEI represents some of the most innovative, advanced energy technology incubators in the U.S., promoting robust growth of regional energy innovation ecosystems across the nation by providing support for startups and entrepreneurs whose businesses focus on energy-related technologies. LACI first convened the NCCEI early in 2020 to advocate for increased federal funding for advanced incubators across the country. NCCEI regularly hosts roundtables and national advocacy events with federal policymakers in Washington, D.C.

BRITE Energy Innovators is accelerating the advanced energy economy. Founded as a 501c3 nonprofit in 2010 to serve Northeast Ohio, BRITE has since expanded its footprint to serve advanced energy technology startups across the state.  In 2023 alone, BRITE companies generated $236 million in economic output, created over 1,400 jobs, contributed $25M in federal taxes, and $10M in State and Local taxes. To date, BRITE has supported over 650 advanced energy companies, helping create 2,100+ jobs and attracting $350M in third-party investment.

