Together we are changing the world

Your support helps us build an inclusive green economy. 

Together we can advance equitable climate innovation.

For more than 10 years, LACI has been accelerating the green economy, setting and delivering on bold climate action goals, and paving the way for future innovators and thought leaders.

Do your part to support tomorrow’s climate solutions

By donating to LACI, you contribute to building a clean technology workforce that looks like the city we live in. And your support sparks the innovation needed to build an inclusive green economy. Support startup founders, green jobs training programs and pilot programs that build out initial deployments of new technologies. Your support fosters the growth of a skilled clean energy workforce, driving forward transformative solutions for a sustainable future.

Partnership with LACI also helps engage corporate and institutional partners with pilot projects and offer insights into market uptake and early access to portfolio company performance ahead of investors. Engagement with LACI also brings venture insights into leading cleantech venture trends.